Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Sneak Preview!

Yes.. im done with the photos.... fast?... the more i do, the more i seem to be enjoying it... haha... that is y im in this.. : )

here are some from the tea ceremony....
Not posting the rest yet as i want it to be a surprize for the couple. Both of them will see it from the montage right before the walk-in during the dinner (peeping thru the door)... : )

seriously, most of the time i dont really get the jokes, i dont understand their language.. but still this is fun.....

and like in all wedding.. im not the only photographer ard.. i hardly have any place to stand... very challanging situation....

i love this pic....

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Anything... but simple...

I just got back from Ipoh. Beautiful place, nice people and great food.... : ) they have been stuffing me with so much nice food that i feel like im there for a holiday....

The ceremony were anything but simple. Relatives from all over the country were there.. even the neighbours were involved. Its the kampong spirits that we never find in singapore.
Everybody seem to know each other in the small town.
Ok... back to reality...
i need to rush those photos and do a video montage for their actual day which is this coming monday... haha..
Here are some of the pre ceremony shot taken on the day of arrival....

Introducing the Bride and Bridesgroom

Kah Hwee & Chin Nee

An old timer cook preparing the welcoming dinner with a very big wok that is fuelled with wood.

One of her neighbour who came over to give them ang pow....

One of the many kids there... running all over the place... like a typical joyful kampong wedding dinner.... great atmosphere...

i will be posting more of their ceremony photos when im done with it.... ;)

Friday, November 23, 2007

Away in Ipoh....

In a few hours time, i will be in Ipoh to cover the Tea Ceremony and Wedding Dinner of Kah Hwee and Chin Nee. They told me it is gonna be a simple ceremony cuz their main actual day will be on 3 dec in Singapore. Thus the challenge will be on me to make sure nothing get pass me even though it is a simple ceremony.

Alright... its time to go......

will update the blog with more pics when im back.......


Singapore Young Photographer Award 2008

Finally, the Asean Summit is over...... imagine having to work the whole week, without a full day off.
Nevertheless, everything went well and I'm back in business : ) ....

After much deliberation, i have decided to submit some of my work for the Young Photographer Award 2008. i know there are many talented photographers out there, but i guess i have to start somewhere (since I'm still within the age limit). This is my first photo competition, and the experience is more important than winning, but of cuz winning will be a bonus for me. : )
anyway, these are 2 out of the 6 pics that i will be submitting...