Monday, April 23, 2012

"The Occupied Space" Photographs...

Squatting is a phenomenon unique in this part of the world. Most of the squatters that i have met so far are decent people from Europe seeking a better life away from their impoverished hometown. Although only few of them work, those who does can't afford to pay rent. Even if they could,"why should they spent their hard earned money on rent", the squatters explained.

For 2 weeks, i have been working with a squatting community transforming a disused Fire Station into a social centre. While i admire their desire to contribute to society, this commitment is often overshadowed by their lust for boozes and late nights partying. Perhaps, this laid back and carefree attitude explained their misfit in society. 

However, as much as we may disagree with their way of life, we could not denial their existence. Often these are people living on the edge of our society and through this project, i hope to explore the positive side of this community and their essential needs for a living space.

Below are some of the images exhibited in "The Occupied Space" exhibition.

Right across the London Fire Brigade Headquarter, is the disused rear block Fire Station (on the right of the picture). The building has been disused since 2008 and is currently squatted by 30 squatters.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

"The Occupied Space" Exhibition (Extended)

In the highly anticipated court hearing yesterday, the judge has ruled in favor of the London Fire Brigade, giving the occupiers of the disused Fire Station, 5 weeks to evict from the building. However, at the request of the community, "The Occupied Space" exhibition will be extended and remain open to the public on the Thursday of every week from 2pm to 7pm till the last week prior the eviction.

Also on display at the show is an art installation by London based conceptual artist, Che Frantz. So do check it out if you missed it over the weekend. :)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

"The Occupied Space" Exhibition

Squatting is an almost non-existent term in Singapore. For past few weeks, i was given the opportunity to work on a social awareness project about the lives and progress of a squatting community taking over a disused Fire Station along Whitgift Street, London.

An intriguing phenomenon of urbanization, this project offers an intimate perspective on how a community that fell through our social safety net, transform an otherwise derelict building into a social centre, providing not only a roof but a living space for its 24 new residents and the community.

However, in about a week time, the occupiers of the Fire Station will be back in court to receive the judgment on whether they would be evicted from the building. To emphasize the essential message of this project, i am delighted to be able to put through an exhibition over the weekend right before the court hearing. Do check it out if you are in London!!