Saturday, January 7, 2012

It's more than tennis, it's Wimbledon...

It's a no brainer decision in the choice of our new place. The estates in Wimbledon has so much charm and character, it is hard for us to resist. It is also convenient for both of us in our daily commute to work and school.

Right at our doorstep, is an amazing view of the city, but I missed the sunrise this morning. The light was stunningly amazing
when i was walking Evo yesterday. Such a pity, i do not have my camera then.

Our new home, a quiet and serene estate at the edge of Wimbledon Village.

Wimbledon Windmill Museum, about 5 mins drive from our place.

Wimbledon Common, right next to the Windmill Museum, where dogs mingle, joggers run and trekkers walk... absolutely beautiful!

And yes, there is going to be plenty of tennis balls for Evo...

(All photographs taken with Ricoh GRD IV)

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