Friday, September 14, 2012

Neither Red nor Yellow- Ayutthaya

For the past few days, I was at Thailand most sacred land for its national religion, the ancient city of Ayutthaya. Seeking those committing themselves to Buddhism in the name of merit and karma. It doesn't take long for me to find a suitable subject. The difficulties, however, is trying to photograph what seem to be a mundane lifestyle. A lifestyle of simplicity and spiritual, going through the same routine almost everyday, it is a world different from the fast paced work that i have done on the bodysnatchers. Here, it is all about slowing down and being really observant to capture the minute details of the day.

We were extremely lucky to be accepted into the home of an elder monk and he even kindly hosted us to a meal of alms collected in the morning. For the Thais, eating a meal that has been blessed by the monk is considered an extreme blessing of good luck. Something that I really need for the next few days as I move on to the next phase of my project.

One of the many ancient temple in Ayutthaya.
Seeking the elusive monks.
Religious articles can be found at every corner of the city.
It is hard to focus on a slow afternoon in the tropical heat.
There was a flood alert on the night of our arrival but the flood never came. We were lucky.
Quite a nice and spacious 400 Baht/night room.
Either the best or worst part of the day, depending on the kind of photos I have.

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