Monday, February 13, 2012

Faces of Syria & the Middle East Revolution.

Tuck away in the relatively peaceful sanctuary of Singapore, the conflict and unrest that is happening around the world are often irrelevant. Glimpse of images & reports from the news are the only reminder we had. All these seem so distanced while we continue in our relentless pursue for the seemingly, unimportant, financial struggle of a city dweller.

On Feb 11, I had the opportunity to document a demonstration organized by Amnesty London in Trafalgar Square. It was a peaceful demonstration in support of those protesting against repression throughout the Middle East & North Africa. The determination of the people were evident. Not surprisingly, majority of the demonstrators were Syrians, many of whom were directly affected by the ongoing conflicts.

Such demonstrations are often perceived collectively in the mainstream media. The focus is often on the obvious agenda. Coming from a place where protest and demonstration are rarely heard of, I am interested in getting to know more about the individuals that participated in such events and the stories behind them. Such mass movement could only be made possible when individuals decided that they had enough and wanted change. These stories are often powerful and cannot be undermined.

A symbolic attempt to burn the Russian Flag by the demonstrators.

(Photographs taken with Canon 5D Mk2)


Firman said...

Great pictures bro... Capturing the moments... Well done... =D

Alvin Foo said...

Thanks Firman!! :)