Sunday, January 8, 2012

Our London walkabout with Evo...

Ok, I do not want to sound too overly excited about it, but we brought Evo out today. Taking the train and underground tube system through town, without a flinch from anyone. The only look we had were smiles and an old lady commenting how gorgeous Evo was in his "Burberry" coat. It is a world different from where I am from, Singapore.

Despite being 1st world, we are lacking way behind in our Animal Welfare policy. The senseless mass culling of the "Punggol Strays" clearly demonstrate the latter. It is sad to see that there are a growing sense of anger among Singaporeans, from the influx of foreign talents to the MRT saga and now the Punggol Strays. Clearly, been fast and efficient is not always the answer. So are we falling victims to our own high standard of efficiency?!

It's a glorious Sunday morning and the weather is bitterly cold. Though, my thoughts seem to be flowing more smoothly in the wee hour of the morning, i am going stop the rambling now. Enjoy the photographs. :)

Obviously, he is a little nervous on his first train ride... (Photo taken with iPhone 4s)

Evo looking at the Thames River.

The iconic London Telephone Booth.

And the walk continues...

Do also kindly support the causes on Save The Punggol Strays facebook page.

(All photographs taken with Ricoh GRD IV, except for No.2)

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